Sunday School Primary (1-3 grade)

Each teacher’s manual consists of 13 lessons, a set of visuals and a set (or a CD) of student leaflets. The visuals consist of a spiral bound flipchart and patterns for verse memorization and handcrafts. The flip chart is full color.
The students packet contains one student leaflet for each lesson. At least one side of each leaflet is full color. There is also an attendance chart and stickers to glue on it.
The configuration of Primary Sunday School materials has changed. One student packet (or CD) is now included with the purchase of the teacher’s manual. Likewise, an unlimited number of copies of the student’s packet can be made for your church ministries. Copies cannot be shared with other churches or ministries.
If the $1.25 price is listed beside the title, additional printed copies of the student packets are available. If the price of $2.00 is listed beside the title, this means that only a CD with PDF files is available. These PDF files can be reproduced.
This material was originally published in English by Regular Baptist Press.
Lección ejemplar del maestro / Teacher's lesson sample
Lección ejemplar del alumno / Student's lesson sample
Visual ejemplar / Visual sample
Patrón de manuales ejemplar / Sample handcraft pattern