Living in the Promise Land

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Living in the Promise Land is the fourth volume of the Biblical Time Travelers Series. In this volume the child will embark on a journey of 13 lessons where he will learn stories related to characters such as Joshua, Achan, Gideon, Samson; among others, found in the books of Joshua and Judges.

Biblical Time Travelers is a series of lessons in which you will be able to embark together with your students for three years on a great chronological journey through the entire history of Scripture. Along the way:

  • You will discover how all the stories in the Bible fit together and focus on Jesus.
  • You will learn how the gospel transforms the way people think, feel, and live from day to day.
  • They will find essential primary doctrines that every student should know.

Each teacher’s book contains 13 lessons, a set of full-color visuals, maps, and a chronological overview. In addition, the student material and other visual aids are completely free and can be downloaded at

  • 88 pages plus 29 pages of visuals

Product details

Item number SJ-864
Format Paperback
Number of pages 117
Dimensions 9" x 12"
ISBN 978-1-953663-03-0