The Lie

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Ken Ham once again takes the lead in pointing out the looming precipice too many church leaders are rushing towards: a denial of the full authority and accuracy of the Bible from its very first verse.

In addition, Ken powerfully shows how the ideas of evolution and millions of years are driving young people away from the Christian faith, and provides solid, biblical solutions to turn things around.

Published in 1987, this book took a bold stand which became prophetic. Ken warned the church about the destructive effects of compromise with evolutionary/millions of years ideas. He warned that compromise in Genesis would undermine Scriptural authority in the culture and erode confidence in the infallibility of God’s Word. Today, Christians (and those considering the Christian faith) increasingly doubt the Bible’s reliability.


Ken Ham
Ken Ham

He is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter. A prolific blogger and author of more than 30 books, including The Lie, Divine Dilemma, Divided Nation, and the devotional commentary Creation to Babel. Ken and his wife, Mally, have five children, many grandchildren, and a great-grandchild and reside in Northern Kentucky.

Product details

Item number AG-109
Format Paperback
Number of pages 236
Dimensions 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN 978-0-890518-77-9
Quantity per box 44