Replacing Darwin Made Simple (Spanish)

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In recent decades, the creation/evolution debate has undergone a dramatic shift. Thanks to several monumental discoveries in genetics, the roles of creationists and evolutionists have reversed. With this book, Replacing Darwin Made Simple, Jeanson presents the latest creationist research in an accessible, easy-to-comprehend style.


Nathaniel Jeanson (PhD)
Nathaniel Jeanson (PhD)

Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University. He serves as a research biologist, author, and speaker with Answers in Genesis and formerly conducted research with the Institute for Creation Research.

Product details

Item number AG-105
Format Paperback
Number of pages 96
Dimensions 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN 978-1-984402-65-3
Quantity per box 60