Roses for Ashes (Spanish)

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All the Bible is relevant to all Christians throughout history; However, the book of Ruth is especially suitable and useful for the context that is currently being faced throughout the world. Ruth begins with small, insignificant, and defeated women, who suffer during a tragedy. The reactions of the protagonists and the development of the story allow the Christian to learn many lessons for his daily life. That is the message that this book reflects for the reader to find hope amid so much chaos and darkness.

Here you will find the Christ-centric biblical account in the most pleasant and close way possible to the Ruth narrative, without resorting to technicalities or excessively ecclesiastical language, so that anyone can understand it, even if you have not been reading your Bible for many years or going to church. In the present, you will see the secret to living a purposeful life in the greatest possible crisis.


Miguel Ángel Pozo (MDiv)
Miguel Ángel Pozo (MDiv)

Obtained a degree in Pastoral Theology from the Seminario Europeo de Formación Teológica y Evangelización (SEFOVAN) in Madrid and a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in ForthWorth, Texas. Currently, he serves as a pastor at the Iglesia Evangélica Bautista of Alcalá de Henares and as a professor of Theology and Biblical Languages at the SEFOVAN Seminary.

Product details

Item number EB-700
Format Paperback
Number of pages 104
Dimensions 6" x 9"
ISBN 978-1-953663-25-2
Quantity per box 96