Living Together (Spanish)


Ellen Dykas explains that marriage is about more than a husband and a wife. It’s a picture of the enduring relationship God has entered with his people, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our commitment to each other mirrors God’s commitment to us. Marriage is hard work, but it is worth it, as glory to God and goodness in your life will come as you live out your faithfulness to God in your marriage.

Kindle Edition


Ellen Dykas (MA)
Ellen Dykas (MA)

She serves as the Women’s Ministry Coordinator at Harvest USA, a national ministry focused on gospel-centered discipleship and teaching regarding sexuality and gender. Ellen writes and speaks frequently on these topics. She received her MA from Covenant Theological Seminary and completed the three certificates in biblical counseling from CCEF.

Product details

Item number EB-543
Format Paperback
Number of pages 28
Dimensions 4.25" x 7.12"
ISBN 978-1-941215-58-6