I Just Want to Die (Spanish)


Are you having suicidal thoughts and feelings? Perhaps you are convinced that life is not worth living. Your life seems hopeless, like a black hole with all love, hope, and joy sucked out. David Powlison describes the various reasons you might be feeling hopeless and explains that God is not surprised or put off by your hopeless feelings.

Your life is precious to God. He knows everything about you—even how many hairs are on your head. He wants you to bring your despair to him and cry for help. He will answer and replace your suicidal thoughts with hope for a future filled with love for him and others.


David Powlison (MDiv, PhD)
David Powlison (MDiv, PhD)

He was a founding member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition and served faithfully as a member of the BCC Board of Directors from its inception. He also served as Executive Director of the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation, a faculty member at CCEF, and the senior editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling. His books include Safe & Sound; The Pastor as Counselor; Power Encounters: Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare; Speaking Truth in Love and Seeing with New Eyes.

Product details

Item number EB-536
Format Paperback
Number of pages 21
Dimensions 4.25" x 7.12"
ISBN 978-1-941215-30-2