Trials-Don't Resent Them as Intruders (Spanish)

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Juanita Purcell. Life is full of trials! These twelve Bible studies help answer four questions: Why does God allow trials? How can I endure trials? What can I learn from trials? How can I be happy in the midst of trials?

Kindle Edition


Juanita Purcell
Juanita Purcell

She and her husband, J. O., were in pastoral ministry over 50 years, serving at three churches. Juanita and J. O. are now retired and live in Lakeland, Florida, where their three adult sons and most of their 10 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren live. She is author of 15 other women’s studies. She has also written Women’s Ministries Handbook and two devotionals.

Product details

Item number EM-152
Format Paperback
Number of pages 95
Dimensions 6" x 9"
ISBN 978-1-944839-44-4
Quantity per box 70